The Scoop

A naturalized Oregonian, I grew up in suburban neighborhoods just outside of Portland, in Washington County. During those years I spent my childhood playtime running around the neighborhood, riding my bike to the library and store, and going to the park to swing and explore. Now as an adult, I spend my recreation time walking/running the neighborhood sidewalks, riding my bike to pick up groceries and library books, and going to parks to hike and explore.  Oh, wait – what I did as a kid, I’m still doing? Sweet!

While I dream of such things, I am not (yet) into hiking huge mountains, rafting roaring rivers, and deeply penetrating our plethora of National Forests on week-long roughing-it camping trips. I am an adult who has been convinced of the benefits of running and is attempting to run a 5k (couch to 5k anyone?), who still on occasion hops on the park swing and pumps high into the sky, and who plays the weekend warrior, spending a night or two each year at a family friendly camping site with hot showers.

Life is an Adventure. Come join me as I explore parks and areas of recreation here in Oregon or wherever life may take me. While you may enjoy my travels through this blog, I also want to inspire you to travel locally and find your hidden spots, your own mini vacations and postcard-picturesque places. I want to encourage your love of life with easy-to-reach places.

Remember, one person’s regular humdrum is another person’s destination, and explorations often gain fun-momentum with friends!


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